Parent: Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to the questions that parents have most often asked about eKool. Maybe your question has already been answered here!

Q:  How do I become a user of eKool?

A: If you have not used eKool before, register as a user ( Create an account button on the home page of After registering as a user, you will be sent an electronic user activation letter. The next step is to request access to your child's data - for this, search for the child's school in the School Search and submit a request for access to the child's data. More information is in the article "Application to the school for access to your study information"

If the next child goes to school, there is no need to register again, it is enough to send an application to the school via eKool.

Q:  Can I use eKool on my smartphone?

A: eKool has a mobile app. To download the app, go to the App Store or Google Play Store. You can see school announcements, assignments, grades for the last 15 days, absences, lesson content and chats for free. Some services are bundled into a paid Family Package. If the parent has the Family Package activated, all the children related to him and the child's second parent can use the same services in the eKool app. You can find the price of the family package in the price list.

Q:  Is using the eKool web application free?

A: Using eKool's online environment is free for parents, children and teachers. Parents and students need the Family Package to use some additional options (grade statistics, missing grades, absences, and test reports).

Q:  Can I see the data of all my children in one place?

A: You can see your children's information after logging in to eKool with the same user. All their assignments, absences, grades, and notifications are collected on your own page. Each child has their own page where information about them is displayed. You can find it by clicking on the child's name. you can set which page will be opened first for you after logging in (from your profile).

Q:  What additional services do eKool offer?

A: For parents, in addition to the free basic service, eKool offers a number of paid convenience services, which are bundled into the Family Package:

  • Learning Analytics - Compare your child's results with the class average
  • Weekly report - a summary of the school week to the e-mail box
  • Pop patrol - notification of the child's first unexcused absence of the school day
  • Grade patrol - notification of a student's bad grade
  • Inspection work notification - notification of incoming inspection work
  • Additional services of the eSchool application

Q:  In which language can I use eKool?

A: eSchool can be used in Estonian, Russian, and English. You can set the language that suits you in Settings.

Q:  How to send note of absence?

A: To send a note of absence, you must select the icon Absence note either on your home page or on the page of the missing child. Proof of absence can also be sent from the eKool app.

Q:  I made a mistake when sending the note of absence (to the wrong child, wrong dates, etc.). How can I revoke or delete a certificate?

A: After you confirmed it, the note is immediately sent to the school, formmaster's desk, and you can no longer withdraw or delete it. Please send a new, correct note immediately. The formmaster rejects the wrong one. Even if he/she confirms it, your child will not have excessive absences, because the subject teacher will mark absences on the basis of students who are not actually in class.

Q:  Can I send a message to the formmaster?

A: It is possible to send a message to the class teacher by clicking on the icon in the header Messaging on the eKool page. Select the +(plus) icon to add a new conversation. Select either the class teacher's name from the Teachers group or the group of class teachers for your child's class from the School Groups list. Write a message and send it.

Q:  How can I see information older than 30 days in the news feed?

A: The news feed of your and your child's page shows the information of the last 30 days. To see the summaries of grades for the entire study year, open reports with the Grades icon - grades sheet, Report cards. If you select the filter Grades above the news feed, you can view the grades of the entire study year by subject. Absences for the whole school year, notes of absences, notices are opened when you select Show all about absences from the quick links of the news feed.