Additional features of the phone app
You can choose the background colour of the eKool app to be Light, Dark or System. The system selects the theme according to the theme option used on the phone.

As a subscriber to the eKool Family Premium, you can turn off ads. To turn off ads, click on the grey button that turns blue.

Restore purchases
If the purchase of an eKool Family Premium fails, Restore Purchases button will restore the activity if something went wrong with the purchase made in the store.

Send an email to eSchool customer support
By entering the required information on the contact page, clicking the Submit a request button, an email will be sent to eKool Customer Support and you will receive a reply as soon as possible. Further communication will be by email.

Sign out
To log out of the eKool application, click the Sign out button.

App information
On the last line of the page, you will see information about which version of the eKool application you are using. In addition, your phone details are shown. Always make sure you are using the latest version of the eKool app!