Add students to the school’s student list

Adding students to the school’s student list is a very important task. Required fields are the student’s first name; surname and personal identification code and country of issue. The ID code must be unique, two students with the same ID cannot have an active role in the school. If there is a unique national code, it should be preferred to use it. In the absence of such a code, the school should develop a system of numbering its students. When importing data, the country of issue of the personal identification code will be the country shown in the school’s data.

Adding students one by one
1. Open the sheet Schoolyear, find the year, curriculum, and class required
2. Press + at the top of the page
3. Enter the student’s name and ID. You can add his address and other contact information.
4. Enter the school enrollment date. If there is one, you can enter the information about the school admission decision
5. Save the student information.

If there is no student with such a personal code in the school, the student will be added to the list immediately. If the student is already studying or has ever been to the school (with the same personal identification code), you will receive a message and a link to open the needed student card.
1. Press the name to open the card
2. You see the completed role there, either in the same or a previous school year
3. Click “Add Role”. Select that a new role is a student; select the curriculum and class. The student is assigned a new role in the curriculum class of the current academic year.